Created the idea, cast, filmed and edited all within a few weeks. Probably can't tell though. Doritos Crash the Super Bowl campaign was a genius idea, challenging anyone to develop a :30 TV spot featuring their product in an effort to be selected as a finalist and have our spot air on the actual Super Bowl. Finally gave it a shot and with the help of a talented team, we ended up with a hilarious spot!
Twitter/Facebook promo:
We had to get the word out beyond just our own social circles so here's a taste of how we launched "Will Power" on social media.
Think you can resist a little temptation? #Doritos #CrashtheSuperBowl #WillPower
Want to date my little muffin? Pass the Doritos test first #Doritos #CrashtheSuperBowl #WillPower #DoritosDad
I’m going to tempt your nose, with Doritos #Doritos #CrashtheSuperBowl #WillPower
How many Doritos can I fit in my mouth? Let’s see. 1, 2, 3, 4….. #Doritos #CrashtheSuperBowl #WillPower
Can Doritos be a four course meal? I’ll let you know #Doritos #CrashtheSuperBowl #WillPower
Cool Ranch or Nacho flavored Doritos? What’s with this “or” crap? #Doritos #CrashtheSuperBowl
Wanna date my little pumpkin? Just remember. I know karate. #DoritosDad #Will Power
How long can your hold your temptation for Doritos? #DoritosDad #WillPower
Casting Specs:
We loved the actors in our spot and thought I'd show a little snippet of the casting specs. Just 'cause.
The strangely, “overprotective of his daughter” father figure. Think the guy in Utah
who wore extra short jean shorts to teach his daughter a lesson. Mid 40s, average height, not super intimidating but probably someone you
won’t want to mess with. Like say maybe Al Bundy.
Average somewhat skinny, teenage boy, full of testosterone and possibly
a fool for love. Will do anything to impress the right girl but sometimes temptation
gets the best of him. 18 years of age or older but can look around 16-18.
Daddy’s little girl. Genuinely attractive, and a little bubbly. Knows her
Dad is a little overprotective and deals with it the best she can. 18 years of age or
older but can look around 16-18.
Doritos Crash the Super Bowl entry "2024"!
And my same partner from the first one, DJ Webb and I, squeezed in the script writing, casting, film and editing all into a couple weeks...again. Inspired by the tagline "For the Bold", our commercial is about Gramps' dream is to have his time on stage but gets a little discouraged by the crowd. A little pick-me-up from the amateur night host with Doritos is all he needs to steal the show. Again, ton of fun to shoot alongside a talented cast and crew, so glad we got in our last minute entry!